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Amazon App Now Supports Touch Id And Face Id

Amazon App Now Supports Touch ID and Face ID

New Update Makes Login Easier and More Secure

By [Your Name] on [Date]

Amazon has released an update to its mobile app that adds support for Touch ID and Face ID. This makes it easier and more secure to log in to the app without having to enter your password.

To enable Touch ID or Face ID, simply go to the Settings menu in the Amazon app and tap on "Sign-In & Security." From there, you can toggle on the "Use Touch ID" or "Use Face ID" option.

Once you have enabled Touch ID or Face ID, you will be able to log in to the Amazon app by simply placing your finger on the Touch ID sensor or looking at the Face ID camera. This is a much more convenient and secure way to log in, as you don't have to worry about remembering your password or typing it in every time you want to use the app.
