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Amazon Announces Expansion Of Handmade Business With New Prime Badge Program

Amazon Announces Expansion of Handmade Business with New Prime Badge Program

Eligibility and Benefits

The Prime badge program is available to businesses registered with Amazon Brand Registry or who participate in Handmade at Amazon. Eligible sellers receive a Prime badge on their product listings, indicating that their products are eligible for Prime shipping benefits.

Growth and Success

Since its launch in September 2016, Handmade at Amazon has welcomed over 5,000 artisans from the UK. The new Prime badge program is designed to further support these businesses by connecting them with Prime members, who spend more and are more loyal than non-Prime members.

Expansion and Future

The expansion of the Handmade Business program into the UK market represents Amazon's commitment to supporting small businesses and artisans. The Prime badge program provides businesses with a valuable opportunity to reach a wider audience and grow their sales.
